
Nicholas John Warwick Donaldson

Check out my: Resumé  -  RADIUS Resumé  -  PGP Key! 

Well, let me see..... My friends call me Nick, I live in sunny Silicon Valley, in the hilly bit of Oakland. This is of course on the left coast of the good ol' U.S. of A, but I originally hail from Winchester, the ancient capital of England. My formative years were at the University of Bath in the southwest of England, where I learnt the fine art of hand-gliding.

In August 1996 I quit my job designing really neat laser optics widgets at Aerometrics Inc., and now I am bit wrangling full time - here's my business card. That is to say, I am building servers, designing web sites and writing cool programs in perl and java to make those web sites do clever things. Go check out the APL site and you'll see what I mean...... With a couple of friends, I have an internet consultancy business, CLIQ Services Cooperative, which keeps me quite busy, but I still find time to PARTY! @-)

The gorgeous girl to the right is Rebecca, my lovely wife. We met at a rave in San Francisco, and immediately fell head over heels in love with each other - not surprising since she's a truly wonderful, compassionate and warm person who just happens to be a babe geek chick too! She's also a web designer and member of CLIQ. She's from Tulsa, OK, but was living in SF when we met. We got married on October 9th, 1999. WooHoo!
Click on the photo for the full size version......

Pointless Pursuits......

Aside from Dilbert, Calvin and Hobbes, my favourite wastes of time include gazing at the stars, blading, the Trek, chess, and, of course, SURFING! Oh, and every now and then I like to get really relaxed and drum or philosophise about Life, The Universe, and Everything.......

But of course, my main raison d'etre is to travel the world as often as possible!


I share my space with a few companions: there are Neige and Lunar, my two cats, Ludwig Montgomery Python, my ball python, and an indeterminate number of hairy spiders, all of whom are called Boris......

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!
xxx psyclops @^D xxx

last updated 12/17/96
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